Sunday, December 8, 2013

November 16th- Leadership Academy

  •  I learned that individual understanding is truly vital to personal leadership growth and leading others. 

  • I was able to learn about my other group members and how they feel values and passion play a role in their lives.

  • Lastly I was able to have a greater appreciation for how all of the elements can be applied to reaching goals many years in the future. 
My favorite part of leadership academy was having the structure of the booklet but integrating the intimacy of a small group setting. It surprised me that more people did not attend.What I will be truly taking away from this experience is a deepened respect for the phrase "get comfortable being uncomfortable." I intend to apply that to the rest of my time here at BGSU to push myself to my potential.

Values:priorities both core and circumstantial that influence the way people makes decisions.
By identifying our top 10 and narrowing them down, I believe it forced us to really determine what was most important or most present in our lives.
Ethics: the guiding principles which individuals use to determine what decisions are right and wrong.
Through the case studies and discussion we were able to see how difficult these decisions may be but how important being congruent really is.
Commitment: determined by the intensity and duration of an action from an individual.
When we were able to combine our values and passions to form our future goals I felt that was truly representative of our character and intentions as leaders. 

Ethics play a large role in leadership because without a strong ethical basis, no leader will have dedicated and loyal followers. With ethics in place a leader would display congruency and integrity through policy and inclusion and therefore accomplish great things. This relates to our service project because we all have to be committed and congruent in our goals, intention, and motivation. Without a constant presence of these our service project will not be the best it  can be. 

*Sorry this blog is out of order... accidentally deleted and hastily salvaged it! 

Leadership Academy really helped to piece together all the aspects involved into becoming a better leader!

December 6th Meeting Reflection Prompt

Reflection & Spring 2014 Goal Setting 
  • I learned that we truly have a supportive group of mentors and advisers to assist us in contacting others across campus.
  • I thought it was nice to have the opportunity to have a meeting dedicated to our presentation. It was great to have further collaboration and additions given by those in attendance.
  • Finally, I felt reflection on our fall semester and goal setting for the spring was necessary to bring everything back into perspective.
I am looking forward to our service project in the spring and can't wait to seeing how all the planning and preparations come together. I feel that we are off to a good start with our service project and have a solid foundation. In the coming weeks and over break I am anxious to see what we can accomplish by reaching out. I feel that I can speak for everyone in having the concern about families showing up. One major goal I have set for myself is to coordinate donations and purchases to be less than or equal to $250

Over my winter break I plan on spending the holidays with my family and connecting with as many friends as I can while I am back in Lewiston. I will also being going to Florida with my friend Taylor from January 2nd-8th. After that I will fly directly to South Carolina to attend my boyfriend's Marine Graduation at Parris Island. I am very excited to do all of these things although it will keep me very busy!

I am looking forward to the Spring Semester & All the warm weather that will come with it!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 15th- Archie Bunker's Neighborhood


I identify ethics as the principles, rules, or standards which an individual chooses to live by and utilizes to decide what is right or wrong.
  • I learned that there are many offensive stereotypes that exist in society which have harmed many individuals of minority status due to race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality.
  • I wasn't surprised that we were all shocked as a cohort about how ridiculous the treatment and remarks were, but it was eye opening to think that yes, those words are uttered by some.
  • Finally, I felt how frustrating it was to experience another cultures struggle while also not being able to help others in their respective communities.

The most shocking thing I would have to say was probably just the blunt rudeness of the building authority staff and sheriff. It made a huge statement about institutions.Whether or not they are vocally discriminatory in society today, those stereotypes can still be communicated in more subtle ways normally which is not acceptable.

Since leaving the meeting I was glad I was able to participate in such a hands on activity regarding societal prejudices. As college students we are often times aware of discrimination around. Having the chance to go through the motions and attempt to complete the activity to the best of our abilities while receiving such resistance is a very beneficial learning method. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 1st Meeting Reflection Prompt

Diversity In Leadership

At this meeting I learned that:
  • Each member of our FLI cohort has a very different Identity wheel that contributes to their feelings and opinions regarding everyday interaction and relationships.
  • I also learned that there a various stages when dealing with the denial, recognition, and support of diverse traits and backgrounds in leadership roles locally (at BGSU) and around the world.
  • Finally, I was able to apply what I learned by being asked to complete the final activity of real life situations. By taking part in these scenarios each of our personal opinions and "knee-jerk" reactions were put to the test in how we chose to react and handle the problem at hand. 
It is important to be culturally and socially sensitive as a leader because in order to enact the most change, see the greatest impact, and be effective in regards to the goals at hand there must be a priority to include all those involved on many levels. These levels go beyond name, appearance, and perceived abilities. This connection dives into cultural differences, heart-felt experiences, past expertise, and personal/group identity. I feel that politics and "being politically correct" on a daily basis applies to what we have learned at this week's cohort meeting. Political leaders are constantly trying to appeal to the majority in order to receive the most votes and be the most successful overall. These candidates research and speak about much more than the weather and demographics, they hope to truly get to know their voters inside and out. Those individuals who make that connection are usually the victor of their campaign. What I have learned in this meeting will definitely make me think more about how I react and choose to act in situations regarding diversity and relationships with others. 

Although I am someone who believes in being more value neutral when approaching most leadership situations, I also feel it is virtually impossible to always be that way. If you are apart of a group like FLI and are placed together in a cooperative group setting for an extended period of time, each individual's ethical values are bound to come out at one point or another. I side on being value neutral because I enjoy taking in others perspectives before my own and then evaluating all the facts. But by presenting our individual ethical values it usually gives the group a better understanding of its members and how they should proceed going forward. 

In honor of the upcoming Holiday season, I enjoyed finding a picture of this guy ^ Cannot wait for Snow, Sledding, & Snowmen (:     

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18th Meeting Reflection Prompt

          Name of Cohort Meeting: Personal Identity
  1. I learned that each and every one of us at the cohort meeting today has very different strengths and  non-strengths that make us who we are and will contribute to the success of our group in the future.
  2. I was able to read and further connect with my top five strengths which deepened both my understanding and interest in strengths quest. It made me realize my tendencies and I will continue to use these strengths to my advantage in all aspects of my life.
  3. Lastly, I was able to see how each of the four select traits we were paired up for (WOOs, Strategic, Responsibility, and Achiever) will all greatly add to the diversity of our group project and benefit the end product. 
I felt that after reading the in-depth definition of my top five strengths I was able to connect and truly see how I fit in those traits very well. Harmony surprised me a tad because I never have identified myself as a compassionate person but it really is about bringing others together which I do find myself doing a lot. By knowing these strengths as a leader I have the opportunity to make them great and better interact with others because I understand that everyone has their own unique set of strengths.

A time where I felt personal differences and diversity  were not respected by a leader was actually during the planning and execution of my class's powderpuff football practices. Often times our coaches were not understanding of the participants varied abilities, opinions, and suggestions. This made the process of powderpuff each year very difficult when participants did not respect leaders and leaders did not acknowledge participants. I did my very best at alleviating the stressful situation but trying to control 50-60 screaming high school girls and 5-10 male football players (the coaches) never turned out very well.

This week in my BA 1500 class we are covering Accounting. This is my major and I believe  now knowing my five strengths ( Discipline, Harmony, Analytical, Achiever, and Deliberative) I am that much more confident in my ability to be successful in this profession (:

Monday, September 30, 2013

Retreat Reflection Prompt

To narrow what I learned at Camp Palmer into three points will be difficult but:
  • I learned about the true importance of trust. During every aspect of the trip starting with the blind obstacle until we left Sunday our trust of each other was tested, strengthened, and solidified.
  • I was able to contribute and observe a proper planning model in action. With Julie facilitating our ideas and visions of our service project we were all able to see it form right before our eyes. I am more excited than ever to begin and really get my hands dirty!
  • Finally, I learned about how I am capable of doing things I could have never imagined but also about how wonderful and strong each and every one of my cohort members is. I want to thank everyone again for truly opening up and making this past weekend the greatest! 
My favorite part of the retreat was the wall. I felt that as a group it was so impressive and that we should all be proud of our teamwork. What surprised me is what we are all capable of when we are challenged individually and as a group. Learning that I have now have five new connections with individuals that I hope to never lose was a wonderful result of this retreat and would have never been possible without it. 

My biggest strength that I learned about at Camp Palmer was probably my tendency to think before I speak so I can fully form my ideas and thoughts before discussing them with others. I also find this trait contributing to be a part of my biggest improvement because I am often very timid or shy if I have to step out of my comfort zone to contribute my ideas as well.

Although on a beach, I feel this picture is reminiscent of our experiences at Camp Palmer. We continually challenged and supported each other throughout our time there and that camaraderie will continue to strengthen over the months to come(:

September 27th Cohort Meeting Reflection Prompt

Name: Why does Leadership Matter? Relational & Servant Leadership
  • I was able to learn about the five components of the relational leadership model from my FLI Cohort members in a more in depth and well explained manner. (Purpose, Inclusiveness, Empowerment, Ethics, and PROCESS[: ) 
  • I learned about Robert K Greenleaf and his impact on servant leadership theory and writings. I hope to acquire a copy of one of his books to read over winter break.
  • Lastly, I was able to learn about my awesome senior mentor Casey, who I look forward to getting closer with and doing different things together(:
The servant leadership trait that I really connect with is building a community. I feel that although this was the tenth trait mentioned that it is truly the foundation of any organization, group, or cohort. By bringing together those that you work with, the group will perform that much more cohesively while enjoying what they are doing whether it is for work or pleasure. Although very commonly used I believe Ghandi is a perfect example of a servant leader because of his dedication to his people and his message. I feel that he embodied all of the traits but empathy, awareness, and commitment to the growth of people being the most prominent. Now that I have met my peer mentor, I feel even more excited to continue in the program with someone else that I can call upon and rely on if I need it.

Before going on the retreat I was really looking forward to the new and exciting activities with my fellow cohort members. I hoped to learn about each other, build upon what we have already learned, and acquire skills and knowledge that would further contribute to our leadership strengths.

These are all self explanatory.... SHOUT OUT TO NICK(:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Leadership Safari Reflection Prompt

Three Things I Learned: 
  • "Sacrifice comfort for who you can become" Those words really resonated and hit home for me because I often find myself second guessing my actions, opinions, and knowledge in public or stressful situations. Ryan's repetition of this phrase really engaged me throughout the entire presentation because everything tied back to that.
  • I learned that you truly never know who you will meet, who you may leave an impression on, or what you may be doing with your life. Ryan's personal stories and sentiments about how he has gotten where he is today truly inspires me to think outside the box and imagine more for myself. 
  • Lastly,  I learned the fact that there are three people in the world and that I want to be that 12%.
My favorite part about the program was just the message and structure. Not that the Center for Leadership can really ask Ryan Penneau to return year after year, but an upbeat program that is interactive is definitely necessary. The "worst" part about the seminar was I think the venue. Although you cannot  typically plan for how many people are going to attend an event, especially the first time, having a smaller space makes things feel more intimate and personal. I enjoyed the prizes, theme, and can't wait to see what next year will bring!

Sorry for the Cheesn'

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 13th Cohort Meeting Reflection Prompt

1) Name of Meeting: What is leadership? What is a leader?

2) I first learned that no matter what you may think about certain aspects of leadership, there is    always another perspective, opinion, or suggestion to what leadership is or what a leader must be. I also learned that through creative discussion, pictures, interactive games, and video clips leadership can be explained and further clarified. By putting what we are learning in to applicable situations and evaluations it further deepens the importance of us grasping the material. Finally, I learned about our trip to Camp Palmer and all the necessary items that will have to be packed!

3) I don't believe that my definition of leadership has technically changed, I feel that I have just been educated and opened up to the greater possibilities and perspectives when thinking about leaders and leadership. I feel that leaders that I come in contact with every day that challenge the typical stereotype of leadership are the students who reach out to others in need, stand up for someone who is in need of support, or do the right thing when no one is watching. The silent leader is often not praised and I respect those individuals for what they do, which takes a lot of compassion and courage.

4) For someone to learn and to lead at the same time I believe that individual must first be loyal and dedicated to the goals and aspirations of the group of people they are leading. Then that leader must work and be driven by the hopes and input of those around them and work for the common good or the completion of the task at hand.

5) I included this picture of Forest Gump because I believe that it was a movie that could have fit in perfectly with the others we viewed this week. Tom Hanks as Forest Gump demonstrated leadership approaches including:

Great Man Approach: Although he was challenged from a young age, Forest never let anything stop him.
Trait Approach: During his time running across country, others were drawn to him from and followed him everywhere.
Complexity Leadership Theory: Forest's interaction with Jenny, his ability to learn and grow with her, and even marry her after all they went through. 
 Behavioral Approach: Due to his concern and compassion for others.
 Transforming Leadership: His work with Lt Dan and raising him up to enjoy life.
 Adaptive Leadership: Seen during his time of service in the military.
 Situational Contingency Approaches: When Forest went back to save Bubba during the attack.
 Servant Leadership: His time playing Ping Pong for the United States. 

Campus Fest Reflection

1) Three Groups I was able to learn more about at Campus Fest:
  • Women in Business Leadership is a new group on campus that will be hosting seminars each month to educate, inform, and empower female students in the work place. These sessions are open to anyone and the group will attempt to have one informative and one fun session each month from here on out. 

  • Circle K is a service based group and is a college branch of Kiwanis International. I was heavily involved in my local Kiwanis back home and would love to get involved here at BG through their various community projects and outreach.

  • Education abroad is a another table that caught my eye because of its many options and opportunities. I have been very conflicted when trying to decide whether to seriously explore traveling to a foreign country for a semester and will be considering attending an informational meeting this week to learn even more. 

2) I was able to attend campus fest for about two hours and went to lunch in the middle of that time with friends. I did enjoy seeing all of the campus organizations out to promote their groups but was pretty overwhelmed by the entire event. The most interesting booth I came across was probably the Quidditch team. Although I would not consider joining I have serious respect for what they do. I will be considering joining Circle K, AMIS, Women in Business Leadership, and learning more about education abroad. 

So much paper! 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

August 30th Reflection

1.Name of Cohort Meeting – Introduction, Team Building, and Schedule 
2      2. What are 3 things that you learned at the meeting? Briefly reflect on each.
  •  I learned all about the wonderful opportunities that FLI will provide me to interact and engage with fellow members and the BG community. I feel very fortunate to be one of few students that have this opportunity.
  •   I learned how important it will be to read, complete assignments, and blogs to get the most out of the program experience. Having a program which is based upon what the participants bring to the table is very encouraging and motivating.
  •  I learned that although the program may seem overwhelming at times there are plenty of people and resources to support me and my fellow cohort members.   

3.  My name is Margaret Dorian but most people call me Maggy. I am an accounting major from   Lewiston, NY which is right outside of Niagara Falls. I attended Lewiston-Porter High school where I was heavily involved in academics and athletics. I play both soccer and basketball and was lucky enough to be elected Class President for four years. My time as class president gave me a great opportunity to interact with students and faculty and I loved every minute of it. I have two older brothers Curtis & Erik and two small dogs Trevor & Natasha. I hope to become a Certified Public Accountant and hopefully assist a non-profit someday in their endeavors and mission. I have had the chance to participate in a few leadership programs and seminars over the years, each one helping me to grow as a leader. I am very eager and excited to begin a new chapter of my life here at BGSU and be a part of this wonderful new institute in cooperation with the center for leadership. 
      4. My definition of leadership is the ability to bring together a variety of opinions, ideas, suggestions, and resources connected to yourself and others to accomplish a mission or goal while making your surrounding area or community a better place and/or developing change or growth. 

Time to get reading(: