Monday, September 30, 2013

September 27th Cohort Meeting Reflection Prompt

Name: Why does Leadership Matter? Relational & Servant Leadership
  • I was able to learn about the five components of the relational leadership model from my FLI Cohort members in a more in depth and well explained manner. (Purpose, Inclusiveness, Empowerment, Ethics, and PROCESS[: ) 
  • I learned about Robert K Greenleaf and his impact on servant leadership theory and writings. I hope to acquire a copy of one of his books to read over winter break.
  • Lastly, I was able to learn about my awesome senior mentor Casey, who I look forward to getting closer with and doing different things together(:
The servant leadership trait that I really connect with is building a community. I feel that although this was the tenth trait mentioned that it is truly the foundation of any organization, group, or cohort. By bringing together those that you work with, the group will perform that much more cohesively while enjoying what they are doing whether it is for work or pleasure. Although very commonly used I believe Ghandi is a perfect example of a servant leader because of his dedication to his people and his message. I feel that he embodied all of the traits but empathy, awareness, and commitment to the growth of people being the most prominent. Now that I have met my peer mentor, I feel even more excited to continue in the program with someone else that I can call upon and rely on if I need it.

Before going on the retreat I was really looking forward to the new and exciting activities with my fellow cohort members. I hoped to learn about each other, build upon what we have already learned, and acquire skills and knowledge that would further contribute to our leadership strengths.

These are all self explanatory.... SHOUT OUT TO NICK(:


  1. I agree, everyone did a very good job of explaining their parts, particularly Nick. I also like the example of Ghandi as a servant leader.

  2. Hahaha, love it! Thanks Maggie! ;D
    I hope our retreat together lived up to your expectations, and I hope your mentor is terrific! :D
