Sunday, December 8, 2013

November 16th- Leadership Academy

  •  I learned that individual understanding is truly vital to personal leadership growth and leading others. 

  • I was able to learn about my other group members and how they feel values and passion play a role in their lives.

  • Lastly I was able to have a greater appreciation for how all of the elements can be applied to reaching goals many years in the future. 
My favorite part of leadership academy was having the structure of the booklet but integrating the intimacy of a small group setting. It surprised me that more people did not attend.What I will be truly taking away from this experience is a deepened respect for the phrase "get comfortable being uncomfortable." I intend to apply that to the rest of my time here at BGSU to push myself to my potential.

Values:priorities both core and circumstantial that influence the way people makes decisions.
By identifying our top 10 and narrowing them down, I believe it forced us to really determine what was most important or most present in our lives.
Ethics: the guiding principles which individuals use to determine what decisions are right and wrong.
Through the case studies and discussion we were able to see how difficult these decisions may be but how important being congruent really is.
Commitment: determined by the intensity and duration of an action from an individual.
When we were able to combine our values and passions to form our future goals I felt that was truly representative of our character and intentions as leaders. 

Ethics play a large role in leadership because without a strong ethical basis, no leader will have dedicated and loyal followers. With ethics in place a leader would display congruency and integrity through policy and inclusion and therefore accomplish great things. This relates to our service project because we all have to be committed and congruent in our goals, intention, and motivation. Without a constant presence of these our service project will not be the best it  can be. 

*Sorry this blog is out of order... accidentally deleted and hastily salvaged it! 

Leadership Academy really helped to piece together all the aspects involved into becoming a better leader!

December 6th Meeting Reflection Prompt

Reflection & Spring 2014 Goal Setting 
  • I learned that we truly have a supportive group of mentors and advisers to assist us in contacting others across campus.
  • I thought it was nice to have the opportunity to have a meeting dedicated to our presentation. It was great to have further collaboration and additions given by those in attendance.
  • Finally, I felt reflection on our fall semester and goal setting for the spring was necessary to bring everything back into perspective.
I am looking forward to our service project in the spring and can't wait to seeing how all the planning and preparations come together. I feel that we are off to a good start with our service project and have a solid foundation. In the coming weeks and over break I am anxious to see what we can accomplish by reaching out. I feel that I can speak for everyone in having the concern about families showing up. One major goal I have set for myself is to coordinate donations and purchases to be less than or equal to $250

Over my winter break I plan on spending the holidays with my family and connecting with as many friends as I can while I am back in Lewiston. I will also being going to Florida with my friend Taylor from January 2nd-8th. After that I will fly directly to South Carolina to attend my boyfriend's Marine Graduation at Parris Island. I am very excited to do all of these things although it will keep me very busy!

I am looking forward to the Spring Semester & All the warm weather that will come with it!!